Tobins' Tastes: An Apple A Day: 40+ Delicious Apple Recipes

Sunday, August 25, 2013

An Apple A Day: 40+ Delicious Apple Recipes

Everyone knows the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Well, with all the medical problems I have had lately I better start uping my apple consumption. And since fall and apple season are right around the corner, I should have no problem accomplishing that. Just in case you need a reason other than avoiding the doctors to enjoy some apple treats, check out these delicious looking recipes from some of my favorite bloggers.

 These photos are not mine but I have rounded them up for you to enjoy. If you want to pin an individual recipe or specific photo please click through to the original post and share from there. If you want to pin this post and the entire collection just pin the collage above!


Want even more apple recipes? Check out my An Apple A Day... Pinterest Board!  

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