It's no secret to those who know me that I love instagram. I probably abuse use it way more than I should but I just can't help it. I love seeing snapshots of other people's lives and I love how it lets me share snippets of my life with those who follow me.
As a way to share a peak into the non couponing and cooking aspects of my life (and despite what this blog may imply there are lots), I am going to be doing occasional posts with images from my instagram account to let you all in on what I have been up to.
Side note: My instagram account is set to private which means you do have to request to follow me. This is only because I am a high school teacher who cannot have any students following me on social media. Since this is my personal instagram account I just have to keep myself protected. So as long as you aren't a high school student, feel free to request to follow me and I will gladly approve you!
Over the last few weeks I :
Bought this amazing cake shaped like a beer mug for the Super Bowl:
Enjoyed a number of amazing beach days:
Got some really sweet Valentine's Day presents:
Celebrated Valentine's Day with champagne glasses that belong to my grandparents:
Had a picnic at the beach:
Admitted I have a bangle problem:
Realized Florida was the only state in the Union without snow on the ground at one point:
Made a pretty big blog investment:
Went to the beach again:
Wore way too much Lilly Pulitzer:
What have you been up to lately?