I have an embarrassing confession. My most viewed post is one of my ugliest. Yummiest maybe but certainly not my best when it comes to photos.
I have posts I have spent hours on, edited over 100 photos for and still this Butterfingers Cake is my most viewed, reposted, pinned and shared recipe of all time.
It's ironic, really. As bloggers, we work so hard to have the perfect pictures to go with each recipe yet this is a post that I originally spent maybe 15 minutes on. It was from back when my blog had a total of 50 readers, 25 of which were directly related to me.
I have made this cake many times over since its first posting in December of 2011 but for some reason, I never get any pics of it. It's too good. People eat it too fast. It's too messy. Something about the tones of Butterfinger on chocolate that just doesn't photograph well (at least not for me...)
So I am resharing it with some new photos. Because this is the kind of dessert that should be shared with you, my newer and fabulous readers. I do not know where I got this original recipe from. It is all over Pinterest and I really have no idea where the recipe first came from. Any suggestions? I would love to thank and give credit to the original creator!
See my original post and not so cute photography below. I promise you, you'll understand why the post is so popular, despite my elementary blogging skills : )
This is another one of those recipes that I saw on Pinterest and just had to make. I have made this cake twice now and everytime it has earned rave reviews. It is amazing how good it is with so few ingredients. It tastes like it would be way more complicated than it really is.
Pinterest Inspired Butterfingers Cake
- 1 box of yellow cake mix and the items needed to make it
- 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
- 1 jar of caramel sundae topping
- 1 tub of Cool Whip or whipped topping
- 4 regular sized Butterfingers candy bars
1. Bake the yellow cake in a 9x13 pan as directed on the box.
2. While it is baking, mix together caramel and condensed milk.
3. When cake is hot out of the oven, poke holes in the cake with a fork.
4. Pour caramel mixture over the hot cake and let it sit until completely cooled. The cake should soak up the caramel.
5. Crush up two of the Butterfingers and sprinkle them over the cake. I put the candy bars in the freezer because they crush better. I actually crush them in the wrappers then cut the tops off and just pour them out over the cake
6. Ice the cake with the Cool Whip and top with last two crushed Butterfingers.
Store in the fridge once iced.
Update: Check out my lighter version (or maybe cousin) of this recipe: WW Frozen Butterfingers Pie